Project Description

Nit. is a producer, DJ and a designer. She started playing the piano at the age of eight but she loves experimenting with diverse kinds of musical instruments, so her works are different but closely related to each other. Nit. creates visual projects, videos, installations and upcycling lamps. In 2013 she started making mixes for radios, since then she has been performing at parties in Budapest. In 2014 she started her own series of parties known as Answer, which provides possibilities for Hungarian underground DJs. Since 2015 she’s been devoted to writing music, widening genre limits or rather rejecting them. For her EP, in 2018, at Connection Verified, the publisher described Nit: “her experimental prowess with four beat-challenging compositions that defy convention, ranging from breaks to ambient, DnB to minimal; thoroughly demonstrating the quintessential Nit. sound. Not one to be restricted to the standard formats of arrangement, Nit. focuses on a diverse array of darker, droning elements together with shimmering, otherworldly melodic patterns, and a compelling rhythm section – creating a dynamic body of work that is as beautiful as it is functional.”
Minimal Collective / Tresor350 – yet – Cirrus Virga Premier:
Tresor’s latest release presents us ‘yet’, a thirteen-track compilation bending genres as well as musical convention. This multifaceted release pulls forward the record label’s explorative nature with polish and finesse. [Nit._Cirrus Virga]
Primate / Első alkalommal jelenik meg magyar producer zenéje a Tresor Records-nál! – Peter Gombas
Hasonló elveket követ a Tresor Records legfrissebb kiadványa, ami április 28-án fog napvilágot látni egy 13 részes válogatáslemez formájában. Ez immáron a 350. megjelenésük a sorban. Számunkra az utolsó track miatt válik igazán érdekessé a dolog, ugyanis a Cirrus Virga című szerzemény egy budapesti producer alkotása! [Nit._Cirrus Virga]
Recorder / Andras Rónai:
444 / Bence Horváth:
A száműzöttek öröksége – Merülés a hazai kísérleti elektronikus színtér legjavába [Nit._Plastic Testament]
Tresor Records // Tresor350 – Various Artists – yet
yet is a slippery word in English. Amorphous, these three letters in different contexts can define contrast or emphasis, set a place in time, show an expectation that something will occur or, paradoxically, that it is likely to stop.
It is this mercurial nature that makes yet the perfect title for Tresor’s latest compilation: the label follows on from the more explorative sections of 2021’s landmark Tresor 30 boxed set with a compilation, featuring 13 artists making music that resists easy definition.
Every track hints at and borrows from the familiar yet none follow the expected path: halfway through Deserto, Nandele & A-Tweed dramatically reveal a very different sonic landscape that was initially suggested; DJ Sotofett collaborates with Tamil artist Kavadi with results that are unlike anything in the Norwegian producer’s catalogue as yet.
Further invention can be found as Jean Redondo’s Hypersonic moves across spaces inhabited by digital hardcore and hyperpop before swerving off-road and into a futuristic hip-hop section; on No Longer Human, Ireen Amnes takes a different path at the crossroads melding hyperpop, trance, and sci-fi soundtrack atmospherics, Significant Other heads towards UK Bass and Dubstep, and France’s Willis Anne skims by the outskirts of footwork with a piece that is almost completely uncategorisable.
Yet more sonic experimentation comes from E-Saggila, Nadia Struiwigh, NVST, Solid Blake, and Viikatory who offer unique takes on the well-established electro blueprint, while Ryan James Ford, and Nit. both find ways to blend elements normally found in ambient pieces with those heard on a dancefloor.
The feel of the compilation is yet again reflected in the enigmatic artwork by Malik Arbab, where shapes and colours suggest animals and plants but in a world that appears to be transient and constantly evolving.
Released by:
Tresor Records
Release date:
28 April 2023
Limited Edition CD / Audioexit Records 2022
Label: Audioexit Records
Catalog Nr: AELTD005
Country: Hungary
Year: 2022
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno, Industrial, Dark,
Format: CD / Digital
Released by:
Audioexit Records
Release date:
December 19, 2022
Mastering @ Audioexit Studio
Artwork by Robert Kiss
Cover Photo by Tamás Csízik
Hungarian talent Nit. returns to CV, reinstating her experimental prowess with four beat-challenging compositions that defy convention, ranging from breaks to ambient, DnB to minimal; thoroughly demonstrating the quintessential Nit. sound.
Not one to be restricted to the standard formats of arrangement, Nit. focuses on a diverse array of darker, droning elements together with shimmering, otherworldly melodic patterns, and a compelling rhythm section – creating a dynamic body of work that is as beautiful as it is functional.
Each work takes a dive into the deep end – the deep end that is Nit.’s complex, emotive, and dynamic sonic projection. The unearthing of Nit. and her talents will not go unnoticed.
Written and Produced by Nit. for CV
Mastered by Cirrus Audio
Image by Troy Langendoen
Released by:
Connection Verified
Release date:
7 June 2018
CV returns to deliver its second physical various artists compilation, proving again that the underground is well and truly alive.
Intent on demonstrating the beauty of electronic music, CVR XII is a work put together just as much by the artists as the label itself.
With five tracks in total, the A-Side of the release begins hard and fast. Sire introduces himself with a genre defying artwork that draws elements from old school breaks classics layered on top of a spacebound journey of synth sounds. Drhamer answers promptly with a system rattling, trance inducing techno pattern, proving to all that he has no hesitation when it comes to hard and loud.
Saphileaum starts the B-Side off with a mesmerising work of art that transports listeners to a realm of auditory melodic wonder, while Nit. continues the journey on a slightly darker note with a hint of sweetness, displaying her love of all sounds weird and wonderful. To round off, Vito Lucente entices all with an enchanting ambient work with the power to make hairs stand on end, a wonderful experience for listeners.
A1 – Sire – We Won’t Be Fine
A2 – Drhamer – Involve
B1 – Saphileaum – Cyclic Existence
B2 – Nit. – Seventh
B3 – Vito Lucente – A Single Blow
Pressed at R.A.N.D. Musik Leipzig
Insert by Troy Langendoen
Released by:
Connection Verified
Release date:
released March 8, 2018
MOIRA060 – Various – Heavy Weapons
The sixty release dedicated to the well known machine gun: M60
artist: Various
title: heavy Weapons MOIRA060
label: Moira Audio Recordings
mastering: MANDMS Studio
artwork: Khristian K
Released by:
Moira Audio Recordings
Compilation release date:
20 March 2017
Space Operetta by Nit.
Open, Closed or Flat Universe?
Velocity Of Galaxy
Parallel Universes
Deja-Vu on Mars
Life on Earth
artist: Nit.
title: AI NAM IV.
label: No Answer Monster
mastering: Nit.
artwork: Nit.
Released by:
No Answer Monster
Released date: February 24, 2021
“Elsőre a szabálytalan ritmusok tűnnek fel, amik ha rá is állnak időről időre valami kanyargós, önmagába tekeredő ösvényre, biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy hamarosan arról is letérnek. Ezek mellett szólnak: dallamtöredékek, mindenféle frázisok, hangok és hangocskák, köztük az “űr” témához kötődőek, valamint megfoghatatlan rebbenések, csúszások, nyikkanások és horzsolások; továbbá olykor egész komoly basszusok. Mindez végül valami sajátos, kiismerhetetlen, játékos logika alapján mégis összeáll, pedig nagyon könnyen fulladhatna káoszba. Az EP kb. fél óra, de ennél jóval hosszabb lemezre elegendő ötlet van benne, ezért sokszor élvezettel hallgatható.” excerpt from András Rónai’s article
Sophia (robot)
Sex Robots
Digital Subtropical
artist: Nit.
title: AI NAM III.
label: No Answer Monster
mastering: Nit.
artwork: Nit.
Released by:
No Answer Monster
Released date: August 15, 2020
“Nit. vagyis Bálint Anita 2017 óta ad ki EP-ket, idén már a harmadik a négyszámos AI. Számai viszonylag kemény-kopogós dobokból összerakott, középtempós, váratlanul megcsavarodó, billegő ritmusok köré épülnek, amik mögé elnyújtott hangok-zúgások, melléjük pedig kitekert vagy éppen (meglepetésszerűen) egyenes-élvezetes szintidallamok kerülnek. Ez így van az AI-n is (plusz néhány robothang), vagyis hiába a cím – ráadásul az egyik számnak Sex Robots a címe -, nem az ezzel a témával gyakran összekötött “gépiesség”, hanem éppenséggel az izgalmas kiszámíthatatlanság jellemzi a zenét” András Rónai’s article
Scary Street
Magic Carpet
What is techno? Asks the Alien the Indian
artist: Nit.
title: RAW NAM I.
label: No Answer Monster
mastering: Nit.
artwork: Nit.
Released by:
No Answer Monster
Released date: January 23, 2020
to B.&R.
artist: Nit.
title: TheMES
mastering: Nit.
artwork: Zsombor Buzsáki
Released November 19, 2018