I was born on the 21st of December, in 1981 in Budapest. I attended music primary school and also Molnár Antal Music School, where I learnt to play the piano. I love music and I am writing music, too. After graduating I went to Óbudai Art School, where I received a scholarship and became a picture graphic artist. Then I went on studying graphic design at the same place. In 2009 I graduated at Szent István University at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as a specialist audio-visual assistant, television filmmaking major, with outstanding grade. Then I went on studying at Budapest University of Technology and Economics at Industrial Design major and designer.

I managed to acquire experience at various fields, like working for a publisher and software developer where I had the opportunity to write the software for access control system based on IIbacio biometric identification system, and the inner software for BRFK BVOP. I have made a lot of websites and branding as a freelancer. Beyond that I was willing to build visual installations for various events. I make various objects chiefly lamps, decidedly on upcycling basis. Since my childhood I love animals and nature, that’s why protection of nature is a priority in my life.


I strive for perfection in my profession and achieving the highest standard in every field of life. For me, achieving complacency is the most important thing, not only for myself but for my clients. I believe in beautiful, persistent things and I am convinced it’s worth making long-lasting products, which satisfy not only the actual trends, but suffice for the purpose, similarly to the well planned logos, like LG or Volkswagen, which have been fixed for decades and function excellently.

I believe that we have to do everythig to regenerate our environment deliberately. This way of thinking, which characterize my attitude in general, that’s why I contact various firms where I collect the waste matter which they do not make use of, but I can use it for making various objects and so save our environment. These materials can be foil, plexi, perhaps planks, anything that can be recycled.
I prepare my lamps so that they will last for ever, can be repared, wiring and sockets can be changed so you don’t need an electrician. The most important thing is that they don’t become the victims of being thrown away.

“It`s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth..”